Work/Life Balance: It’s reasonable
Dr. Stevie Peña Dr. Stevie Peña

Work/Life Balance: It’s reasonable

Work/life balance aligns our duty to others (productivity/work), with personal care (the “life” part). Modern conveniences provide vast opportunities to engage in social and professional activities, but often upset our efforts for balance.

So how are we to achieve this possibly elusive task of creating balance in a world with numerous demands?

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Counseling-Leadership: It’s a thing
Dr. Stevie Peña Dr. Stevie Peña

Counseling-Leadership: It’s a thing

I encountered many nay-sayers as I began on my counseling as leadership journey. As I planned my project, I openly shared my research topic with anyone who would listen. Both counselors and non-counselors alike argued the two concepts have little to no relation. Even my academic advisors doubted any significant relationship exists…

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